
4 Signs Your Husband is Cheating

Are you aware of the signs your husband is cheating? If you a beginning to suspect he is cheating on you, you should make sure you have evidence before you act on your emotions. Most times your gut feeling is correct but, if you are incorrect, you could seriously damage your relationship. It is important to be absolutely certain of his cheating before you confront him. Listed below are 4 warning signs your husband is cheating.
1. Has your sex life has decreased or does not exist at all. This may be hard to tell if you never had sex a lot in the first place. In contrast it can be very easy to spot if you have relations daily basis. Before jumping to conclusions, make sure there is not another reason for his lack of intimacy such as money problems or stress.

2. Have his phone habits become unusual? This is one of the top signs your husband is cheating. Is he getting or making more calls than usual, especially later in the night? If he picks up the phone then quickly leaves the room it could be his lover on the line. The same signs also apply to text messaging. If he keeps a close watch on his cell phone and is reluctant to let you use it, it would be a safe assumption that something is going on behind your back.
3. Does he work in an office? If he is in a position to have a secretary and talks about her constantly you may have reason to worry. It is normal for someone to occasionally talk about their secretary when work is brought up. However, if he talks about her without prompting, has only good things to say and he speaks of her like more than just an employee, you may need to investigate further.
4. Has he become very secretive? Have you caught him lying about where he has been? If your husband refuses to talk about where he has been or constantly lies about staying late at work or being with his friends, you may have something to worry about. This is especially true if, when questioned, he gets overly defensive or doesn’t answer at all.
These are just 4 signs your husband is cheating. There are many other things to look for and be aware of. Be cautious as well because some of this behavior could also be him trying to surprise you or he may be stressed. For this reason it is important to get the proof you need before confronting him.

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