
Warning Signs of an Affair in Your Marriage

There are many warning signs of an affair in a marriage and if you suspect that your spouse is being unfaithful, you'll want proof. People embroiled in adulterous affairs often think they are too clever to be caught, but everyone lets things slip at some point. If you are married to someone who you think may have taken on a lover outside of your marriage, look for these signals that indicate that they are no longer being faithful to you.

One of the most obvious signs of an affair is a change in intimacy within the marriage. At first thought you may believe that someone who is cheating is going to want to be intimate less often. That's actually not always the case. In fact, many men and women who are sleeping with someone else will actually want to make love more often with their spouse. This may be to overcompensate for the guilt they are feeling. If your spouse's interest in sex with you has changed, that's a sign that something else may be at play within your marriage.
The most common form of communication these days is the cell phone. If you suspect that your spouse isn't being faithful pay special attention to their cell phone behavior. It's much safer, in the eyes of the adulterer, to have their lover call their cell. Therefore one of the signs of an affair in your marriage is how your spouse handles those calls. If they repeatedly excuse themselves to use the phone, they are having conversations they don't want you to hear. Also pay more attention at how often they simply ignore calls. If it's happening often chances are good that it's their lover calling and since you are present your spouse obviously can't take that call.
It's often hard to know whether your spouse is indeed committing adultery. Many people can have a long term affair without anyone suspecting a thing. In fact, sixty percent of married men and forty percent of married women will be unfaithful. For telltale signs of a cheating spouse, and how to get irrefutable and undeniable proof of the affair within moments visit this helpful site.
Although the aftermath of finding out whether or not your spouse is cheating can be devastating, it's much better to know. You owe it to yourself and your children to know the truth.

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